About Me

I’m Tracey, a 40 something recently turned 50 wife, mom and grandma.

Born and raised in England, I moved to the States 14 years ago after I met and fell in love with the greatest guy ever, who just happened to be an American with no thoughts of uprooting to another continent.

I’m also a procrastinator, big time

For example; when I originally set up this blog, back in early September 2013, I intended for it to be a ‘life after forty’, general smorgasbord of topics, fashion, food, music, product reviews, likes and dislike, hobbies etc, you get the idea.

My first post was going to be this huge review of the camera I had just bought myself as a ‘happy birthday to me’ gift.  But, as usual, I procrastinated, and then life threw me a curve ball.

Breast Cancer!

So, I guess, at least for now, it’s mostly all about the boobs!

Update 1/12/2014! As of now, I am Cancer Free!! And although my journey with the dreaded disease isn’t completely over, as in I am still dealing with the aftermath of the mastectomy, I am now hoping to continue the blog with not just breast cancer posts but adding also some more everyday themed posts…..and photo’s…LOTS of photos 😉

8 Responses to About Me

  1. ktarsha1970 says:

    Thank you for following my blog (and thus reminding me that I needed to update it!). I have just read through your past posts, and everything sounds so familiar! The anxiety of waiting for results, the neck pain during the stereotactic biopsy, the expanders – so many times I was thinking, “Hey, sounds like my experience!” You’ve done a great job laying it all out there, the good and the bad, and I know it will be a help to anyone newly diagnosed and navigating the breast cancer scene for the first time. Also, I was thrilled to see your link to the front-closing sports bras – I’ve been wearing the “post-mastectomy garment” even after getting drains out because none of my regular bras fit over the expanders.


    • Tracey says:

      Thank you back 🙂
      At the beginning of my journey, it was hard to find bloggers who ‘related’, or who mapped out the journey.
      Those who did were already stage III or IV, bless them.
      Our types of cancers are so common, it’s time we get ‘our’ stories out there.
      And oh yes, those sports bras are a god send.
      Although I had myself a little liberation party a few weeks ago and had a ‘bonfire of the bras’…all my old ones that is.
      I’ll never be that size again, so up in smoke they went….I kinda felt like one of those women’s libbers.
      Dare I admit, I’m now, until my next op, going bra-less….LOL
      So much more comfortable.


  2. hadorable says:

    You have a very nice blog! I wish I could understand how hard you try to fight Breast Cancer. My hat’s off to you.


  3. m.lever says:

    glad you are through the other side. keep eating your greens 🙂


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