Behind the scenes of a food blogger….

If you love food blogs and have a sweet tooth, chances are you’ve already discovered:
*Inside BruCrew Life*
And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?…get over there right now and submerge yourself in delicious yumminess!!!
Not convinced yet?
Well let me tell you, I do not have a sweet tooth, but when this girl gets her bake on and supplies us with treats, even I find it hard to resist eating them all a few.

Icecream Cones

Jocelyn, the everything behind Inside BruCrew Life, recently agreed to let me photograph a  ‘behind the scenes’, as she was setting up a photoshoot of her latest creation.
Brownie Batter Coffee Ice-Cream! 

I have to admit, I never considered all the work that went into food blogging.
Not only do you have to create/make the product, but the photographing of the food isn’t just a case of dumping it in a bowl or on a plate, and snapping away with your camera, there’s the lighting, props, backdrops etc; to consider.
And that’s before you even get to the blogging part! Phew!!
Who knew?
I really have discovered a lot from watching Jocelyn work.

(I also discovered…. that her ice-cream is De-lish-ous!! 😉 )
And…before we left, she baked us some treats to take home… 🙂
Gooey Butterfinger Brownie Bars…YUM!!!
(although we had to share with the girls when we got home…so unfair!)

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5 Responses to Behind the scenes of a food blogger….

  1. No one understands unless they are doing it. My own family doesn’t see all that I go through, they just enjoy the cooking and baking lol. I’m still fairly new to all this and all have a long ways to go. But I’ve been a baker in my home for many years lol. I just decided one day to show it off, my love for it lol. I had no clue, but I’m enjoying it so go figure haha


    • Tracey says:

      That’s so true. I take hours when Im baking. Hours when I’m photographing things, plus the editing, and then more time when I’m blogging.
      I don’t know why I thought food blogging was easier…..maybe because when I cook to blog a recipe, I usually have my food stuff in one hand and the iPhone in the other….shame on me 😦
      I’ll have to wander over to your blog 🙂
      I’m not much of a baker, but I do enjoy cooking 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathy Samuel says:

    Great post Tracey! It’s always fascinating to see how other people do things. I’m goinh to pop over and see if that icecream recipe is up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tracey says:

      Thank you Kathy. And yes, it really is. I have a whole new respect for food bloggers, and I think I’m going to take a leaf out of Jocelyn’s book, and make more of an effort next time I photograph food. 🙂


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